To study collections in the UK as part of a study of the chronology of terracotta figurines of Pre-Kushan times from the Gandharan region
Pre-Kushan Terracotta Figurines
To study collections in the UK as part of a study of the chronology of terracotta figurines of Pre-Kushan times from the Gandharan region
Textiles & Arts of the People of India
Professional training in modern methods of storage and preventive conservation, documentation and museum interpretation at the V&A museum, London.
Painting Restoration: Research and Training
To research and receive training in conservation and restoration of easel paintings from the Conservation Centre, National Museums and Galleries Liverpool
Study of terracotta and clay objects of the Kushan Period (1st to 4th century AD)
I am grateful to the Trust for awarding me the Fellowship to study Kushan terracottas in the museums in the UK at the appropriate time when I was excavating sites such as Kanishkapura and Ambaran (Akhnur) in Jammu and Kashmir related to the Kushan period - particularly the latter which is famous for earlier yields of typical Akhnur Buddhist terracotta heads.