Category List

Sculptural Bas reliefs in Western Indian Caves (2nd Century BC to 3rd Century AD)

During 1990 Shri N M Deshpande, one of the doyens of Indian archaeology, suggetsed that as nobody had studied the sculptural bas reliefs in early Buddhist caves in Maharashtra, I should try to study them. While conducting the primary study on the area, I was transferred to Madras, and lost hope of continuing my interest with this transfer and shelved the project, but a friend suggested that I apply to the NTICVA for a grant. I did so and was very happy to receive the grant.

Ships in Ancient Indian Art

There are a good number of ships represented in ancient Indian art, which are valuable evidence, capable of throwing light on ancient Indian shipping and shipbuilding technology. Some of these representations were referred to by scholars here and there, but no complete and systematic study of these ships was carried out.

A critique on Ajanta Mural Painting

This grant helped me further my career as an artist. As a student it was a real encouragement to an amateur artists to explore about Ajanta and its great art and this is still helping me with my approach towards art.

Study of terracotta and clay objects of the Kushan Period (1st to 4th century AD)

I am grateful to the Trust for awarding me the Fellowship to study Kushan terracottas in the museums in the UK at the appropriate time when I was excavating sites such as Kanishkapura and Ambaran (Akhnur) in Jammu and Kashmir related to the Kushan period - particularly the latter which is famous for earlier yields of typical Akhnur Buddhist terracotta heads.
