Category List

Prehistoric cave art of the Bhimbetka complex

The grant was received after I had completed background research on this project and was ready to go for my first field trip, an essential part of any archaeological research project. It allowed me to carry out fieldwork in Bhimbetka, Madhya Pradesh,  and adjoining areas. This was my first field trip and had an enormous impact on my career in Archaeology. It formed the basis of my study and helped me to crystallize my ideas. After receiving this award I have continued with my research and documentation work on other sites in similar geographical settings.

To study Rashtrakuta influences in Tamil Nadu

The topic  for my second award was so chosen because there is very scanty material available on the subject which forms a vital part of Tamilnadu (an art rich state). Tamilnadu, known for its rich art and culture is equally adept at adopting cultures of other states, and in this sense, the art influences of one of the major dynasties of South India assume importance. These awards have given me encouragement and have honed my skills to view the subject in a different perspective. After completing the project report, I have given lectures to junior staff about my observations.

Documentation of traditional diving for pearl and chunk in Mannar Gulf, from the Sangam period onwards;

These funds were very useful as seed money for ethnographic study in the Tamil region. As a result, Tamil University has extended its helping hand to widen the survey for the Palk Bay region also. INSA, New Delhi, also provided some contingency grants to improve the study of traditional pearl and chank fishing. Since the Trust has encouraged such a small study, I feel more confident in pursuing further ethnographic study uncovered by the scholars.

A study of the traditional bead-making industry of Periya district of Tamil Nadu

The grant served as seed money to carry out the preliminary studies which helped to take up the major work in the selected field. For instance the feasibility study helped to get major research project funding from the Indian National Science Academy.
