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Study of Mithila Painting

From the very beginning I was planning to gain a knowledge of the layers of Mithila painting, especially its relationship with other practices of folk-art. I was, and still am, of the opinion that Mighila painting is a living tradition which is supported by many other folk practices of the region. Its history, myths, usefulness, sociology, social significance, ritual normative patterns, hidden philosophy and last, but not least, the creativity of the women who paint, are very important factors to know.

Contemporary arts in Bengal: modernity and status

This grant was helpful in preparing a convincing research proposal for the doctoral programme at the Faculty of Fine Arts, the M S University of Baroda. Subsequently I was engaged in documentation works towards the study. The research experience also gave me the confidence to handle the ambitions and take part in a major art exhibition - Art of Bengal, Past and Present - a joint venture with the Centre of International Modern Art, Kolkata.

Prehistoric cave art of the Bhimbetka complex

The grant was received after I had completed background research on this project and was ready to go for my first field trip, an essential part of any archaeological research project. It allowed me to carry out fieldwork in Bhimbetka, Madhya Pradesh,  and adjoining areas. This was my first field trip and had an enormous impact on my career in Archaeology. It formed the basis of my study and helped me to crystallize my ideas. After receiving this award I have continued with my research and documentation work on other sites in similar geographical settings.

Tribal wall painting of West Bengal

The grant allowed me to develop my interest in tribal culture and society and painting, and to photographically document tribal art. It will be published by the Council of Cultural Growth and Cultural Relations Cuttack. The grant gave me self-confidence in fieldwork; I use the research in teaching and have inspired colleagues in the subject.
