Nehru Trust Awards

Nehru Trust Awards

The Trust aims to achieve its mission by making it possible for scholars and professionals from India and the UK to develop and share skills relevant to these subjects and to gain access to Indian cultural resources both in India and in the UK.

The Trust’s primary activity is an annual awards programme for individual scholars and museum professionals from both countries in order to enable them to study, carry out research or undertake training in both India and the UK. The awards programme is announced each autumn; awards are made in late March and must be taken up within the subsequent year (1 April to 31 March).

The Trust also administers grants on behalf of the V&A Jain Art Fund, and works in collaboration with the Charles Wallace India Trust with whom it offers an annual joint UK Visiting Fellowship.


Sima Roy Chowdury

For the study of the art of Mathura, Sanci and Amaravathi

Alok Tripathi

Ships in Ancient Indian Art

There are a good number of ships represented in ancient Indian art, which are valuable evidence, capable of throwing light on ancient Indian shipping and shipbuilding technology. Some of these representations were referred to by scholars here and there, but no complete and systematic study of these ships was carried out.

Pankaj Dixit

Studying the development of South Indian architecture: from rock-cut caves to Hampi

Ramakrishna Vedala

A study of the influence of Matisse upon Indian Modern Art

Mannu Gounder Gandhi

For the study of the architecture and sculpture of Saivite, Chola temples of South Arcot District

I was able to study 80 temples and their sculptures in South Arcot, thus increasing my knowledge of this subject. I subsequently registered for a PhD degree.

Soumhya Venkatesan

The process and results of the commercialisation of Warli tribal Painting

I would like to thank the Trustees for their timely and generous awards. The first award allowed me to conduct research among the Warli tribe in Maharashtra and to write up the results of this research for my MA dissertation at the National Museum Institute in Delhi. After my MA and spurred on by my work on the Warlis I moved to Cambridge (UK) in 1994 to do an M Phil in Social Anthropology.The M Phil was funded by a Cambridge ODASS award. I subsequently took a PhD on matweaving in South India at the University of Cambridge and now teach at the University of Manchester.

Anu Gupta

Documentation of paper stencilling from Mathura

A Das Gupta

Modernism in India: A Study

Dr Bansilal Malla

A Study of tree worship in Ancient India
